Denise Foster Scott, BCSI

Structural Integration Manual Therapy

Continuing Education Provider

  • Artist Deborah Dewitt

    About Denise

    Denise Foster Scott, Board Certified Structural Integrator, LMT, IASI & NCBTMB Approved Provider, Instructor of Structural Integration, creator of Reclaiming the Pelvic Floor and Integrative Consciousness

  • Structural Integration

    Manual Therapy created by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Through fascia manipulation, awareness, and movement re-education we work to release chronic structural imbalances and effectively realign the entire body. Sessions by appointment only

  • Training Offerings

    Continuing Education for touch therapists and guided mentoring for both client and practitioner. IASI and NCBTMB Approved Provider

Click here to hear Denise's interview on the podcast "Fascia and Bones" with Dr. Kirstie Segarra.

“In Episode 9, I am interviewing Denise Foster Scott, Board Certified Structural Integrator and Instructor within the field. She has been an advocate within the field volunteering with IASI and developed a vital curriculum on supporting the pelvis and associated experiences around integrating trauma experiences associated with the pelvis.  Denise’s course is external pelvic floor manual therapy and she will be teaching around the country in 2025. You can find out more at If you are interested in joining the class next September 20-20. 2-25 here in Taos go to and sign-up under the link. 

In this episode, Denise and I discuss ideas around pelvic floor manual work, integrating life experiences that are reflected within how we embody within the pelvis, and the new SI program in Portland, Oregon--Inner Dynamics Academy of Structural Integration.”- Dr. Kirstie Segarra